Alley Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Alley explained:

The definition of an alley states narrow street especially : a thoroughfare through the middle of a block giving access to the rear of lots or buildings. Do you in anyway feel that your life path is narrow without much room to move?

May represent being stuck in the middle of something.

May represent the hits and misses in life.

Noticing a straight alley ahead of you in your dreams is a warning of circumstances that may make your life change for the worse and will be accompanied by some very unpleasant tasks to complete or things to overcome, irritating you the whole time while you have to deal with them.

Dreaming about walking through an alley of trees predicts a long period of happiness and joy you are about to welcome into your life.

To be spotted in an alley in the dusk hours that is darkened by a sunset or clouds in bad weather is a warning that there is going to be a longterm period of a sickness or bad health.

Seeing an alley lined by trees can mean that you will soon have to go on an unexpected trip for business or for some other venture. The place where you will be traveling to can be a previously non-visited or not commonly heard of place, usually in secluded area overseas or in some remote location within an often-traveled territory or a country.

Wondering around in a dark alley is a warning that you may have to re-evaluate the people around you and make a conscious effort to eliminate keeping company with people who critisize your ideas or tend to negatively affect your life whenever they are around.

Seeing what looks like the beginning of a long alley in a dream is a symbol for starting something new like a new business, endeavor, or idea. Most likely, you will be inspired by someone else who will prove to be the catalyst of this start. Just remember that you must fully participate in the completion of these new beginnings.


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