Discover the Meaning of your Dreams

Type the symbol or element that caugh your attention during your dream (i.e. sea, baby, flying) to get the meaning and interpretation of that dream from our database of over 50.000 meanings


May represent healing or having healing properties.


May suggest feeling something is damaged, flawed or worthless.


Dreaming of any form of surgery done to the mouth represents an attempt to fix troubles that you may have communicating ...


Most people usually dream about an accountant during tax time and its your mind telling you to be more organized. If its...


Do you feel like something is weighing on you? Do you need to lose weight?


May symbolize a re-evaluation of a situation or relationship.


May symbolize entanglements.


An escalator is similar to an elevator but not as important and symbolic. You are moving through different levels of you...


Incense could be used for spiritual connectivity, meditation or just a relaxing scent. If you dream of burning incense i...


May symbolize having many feet working together.


Dreaming about people in current relationships signifies those relationships in your waking life. The dream could bring ...


May suggest spiritual illumination or enlightenment.

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What does it mean to dream about "scaly"

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