Golden house Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Golden house explained:

Since we live in our house in waking life, your house in a dream usually represents you or your physical body (the dwelling of your soul).

Each part of the house means something different but any dream of a house signifies you, both mind and spirit. For example, a basement symbolizes the deepest part of your unconscious. If the house is empty, then it indicates feelings of insecurity. If the house is shifting, then it suggests that you are going through some personal changes and changing your belief system. Feeling that someone is watching you? If the house has no walls it signifies that you are too open and do not have enough confidentiality. People seem to be looking into your affairs more and more lately. If you are cleaning your house it means you should toss out the bad and dirty things in your life including your views and habits. If you dream of living by yourself but you actually live with others in your waking life it indicates you should make new moves if you want to be self sufficient. If you dream of an old house it signifies your old ways that a new relationship of situation is reminding you about. If your house is tarnished or broken it represents your worry about your house in your waking life. On the other hand, dreaming of a new house denotes a new beginning in your life. Being locked out of the house symbolizes your feelings of being an denied and ignored by people in your life. If your house is broken into it implies that you feel someone is taking advantage of you.

Having golden hair signifies that you have chosen a good partner in life. Your significant other is someone you can be proud of, a dignified and brave person who deserves your affection and trust.

Envisioning a shining, golden key, especially when surrounded by other, duller keys, symbolically represents the genuine interest you have in learning the truth and sharing it with others for the benefit of everyone. You likely have a passion for learning and yearn not only to acquire as much knowledge as possible, but to also disperse that knowledge to improve the lives of those around you. Golden keys can also represent successful participation in volunteer activities, social work and health care.

Dreaming of seeing yourself going inside a golden-colored house is a warning about getting into a dangerous predicament that will require a lot of your time, patience and energy to get out of.

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  2. Golden building - Dreaming of seeing yourself going inside a golden-colored building is a warning about getting into a dangerous predicament that will require a lot of your time, patience and energy to get out of.... Learn More!
  3. Mad house - Seeing yourself inside a mad house or visiting a mad house filled with mentally disturbed people is a warning about stumbling across situations or conflicts that prove to be very difficult to properly... Learn More!
  4. Golden Retriever - A golden retriever in your dream is a pun. It suggests that you find out your hidden qualities. Retrieve gold, refer to gold to understand further. You could also look at the meaning of dog.... Learn More!
  5. Full house - To dream of having a house full of relatives, friends, or guests is a sign that you will be able to attract a lot of financial fortune and an abundance of assets and resources for yourself and your fa... Learn More!
  6. beach house - May suggest confronting or facing your emotions, or something in your unconscious.... Learn More!
  7. An old house - Seeing or being inside an old house in your dream means you are going to reconcile and repair relationships with people whom you almost forgot about and who once were an important part of your life. T... Learn More!
  8. House chores - Dreaming of seeing yourself doing continuous house chores or trying to do home improvements means either you will receive a house guest that is a long-time friend you haven't been around for a while... Learn More!
  9. Locked house - Standing in front of or trying to get inside a locked house in your dream is a warning of unfavorable circumstances occurring in your life. It can also mean that an inhabitant of the house is getting ... Learn More!
  10. Moving house - To dream that you are moving to a big and cozy new house in a nice and happy neighborhood, when you are feeling restless, discontented or unhappy in your current home for some time now, could very wel... Learn More!

Golden house

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