Mother sitting in bed and being condesce Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Mother sitting in bed and being condesce explained:

may represent indecision or an unwillingness to take action.

If you are a woman, your mother or mother-in-law may be representing an aspect of yourself that you need to examine more closely.

To dream that you are standing next to or lying on a wide bed is a reflection of how far and wide your dreams could take you. You are currently or would soon achieve economic success because you have performed well in your job or sacrificed so much for the growth of your project or business in the past.

To dream that you are standing next to or sleeping on a tall bed supported by long, slender posts is an indication that your faithfulness and commitment to your current romantic relationship would also manifest in your work, project or business venture. Your exemplary traits would permeate not only at home, but would also resonate with your co-workers, fellow project stakeholders and business associates. People would admire you not only for showing great dedication, hard work and determination to succeed in your line of work or business, but also for having an ideal romantic relationship which is the cause of envy among those who know you.

To dream that you are lying on an untidy or messy bed symbolizes your paranoia related to the possibility of people finally learning about your buried secrets. You could be acting too cautiously every time you are in public, not wanting to be caught in an off-guard moment. You would keep a low profile and try as much as possible to make yourself unnoticeable. But your efforts could have a reverse effect. The enigma surrounding you might pique people's interest in your personal life and in things you could be doing surreptitiously when you are left alone, and the thought of your own ghosts closing in on you might be too much to bear. This dream vision may be telling you to finally come clean so you could get that nasty feeling off your chest once and for all and never have to live in fear again.

Top Most Related Dreams to Mother sitting in bed and being condesce

The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. Mother dead - Having a dream in which you see your living mother to be dead or passing away implies that you are heading for tough times which would involve laborious tasks and time-consuming activities or projects... Learn More!
  2. Dead mother - Seeing your mother in your dream is very powerful. This dream is representing a trial in your life, one which you are seeking help with. Traditionally a deceased mother coming to you in a dream is a p... Learn More!
  3. An empty bed - To dream of seeing or standing by an empty bed is ominous of a death in the family or within your social circle. Your somber and calm demeanor as you stand by the bed in an empty room which looks eeri... Learn More!
  4. Your own bed - To dream that you are lying on your own bed symbolizes your sheltered and guarded personal life. The comforts of your bed in your dream are a symbol of your refusal to explore outside of your comfort ... Learn More!
  5. Changing bed - If you are a female reader, dreaming about changing bed, say putting on new sheets and linens, is a symbol of a scandalous relationship. Due to a lapse in judgment, you would start a passionate affair... Learn More!
  6. A child's bed - To dream about seeing or standing next to a child's bed is a symbol of your aspirations for yourself and your loved ones. You have always been inclusive and selfless in your actions and plans, and you... Learn More!
  7. Mother crying - Dreaming about seeing your mother crying indicates an approaching bleak period. This period may engulf your life with misfortune, misery or a possible deterioration in health. In some way, it may brin... Learn More!
  8. Mother of God - Dreams involving seeing an image of the mother of God, that is, the holly Mary mother of Jesus for Christians, usually foretells positive happenings. This is especially the case if the mother’s image ... Learn More!
  9. Mother in law - The presence of a mother-in-law in the dream world, whether or not you have such a person in your life in reality, is an indicator of pressure and stress in waking world. It means you feel you are bei... Learn More!
  10. Sitting at a bar - Dreaming of sitting at a bar, whether it is empty or brimming with customers, is symbolic of either a sudden or emerging need to rely on government services in the near future. If the bar room is poor... Learn More!

Mother sitting in bed and being condesce

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