Pants Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Pants explained:

Who wears the pants in the relationship? Dreaming of pants suggests power in some relationship.

May symbolize feeling in charge.

Navy blue clothing represents wisdom and truth. The symbol of the navy blue lace pants in your dream could reveal your desire to reconcile old-fashioned traditions with the lessons you have learned from your experiences. You may find that what you believe and what happens in reality could often clash.

Dreaming about a beloved article of clothing being damaged or destroyed by fire is an ominous sign which warns you to be careful of trusting people you have just met recently or who sparked your interest. This vision suggests that you should be more scrupulous in your evaluation of newer acquaintances as one of them may not be all they seem. Just as getting burned in wake life can have both negative effects literally and figuratively, so does this vision seek to prepare you for the worst case scenario.


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