Sick with tumors Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Sick with tumors explained:

Having a dream that you are sick with tumors, such that when you see yourself staring incredulously at the results of a scan showing several lumps appearing around your reproductive organ, could be an auspicious sign of multiplying wealth in the real life. On the other hand, seeing yourself in the dream having tumors all over your body may mean loss of hope or becoming desperate about a recent event or decision you made. Furthermore, rejoice because fresh appearance of tumors in the dream could be a sign of increasing income and growing wealth. If, however, you were scared or frightened with having the tumors in the dream, be prepared as getting to the point of being wealthy could require a lot of effort and initial investments on your part.

Dreaming that you are being sick, like seeing yourself pale, weak and confined to a hospital bed while friends are visiting you, could mean possible health problems that you are unaware of and which could be manifesting. The dream could be advising you to take better care of you health, an area that you may be neglecting in your waking life and that you should address any issues as soon as possible. Alternatively, there could be a possibility of having unpleasant or difficult conversations with someone from your office or a friend about a challenging situation that is causing you or them anxiety.

If you see your father in a dream as having been sick or admitted to a hospital due to sickness, it could be suggestive that you are deeply concerned about some intriguing, unresolved issue which you could be currently facing, which is causing you a lot of worry and anxiety that is so overwhelming that even in a subconscious state of mind, it is not leaving your attention.

Seeing your wife sick, exhausted, and otherwise unwell in the context of a dream usually means you are currently not experiencing any disappointments or other bad luck in wake life. On the contrary, this vision suggests things are really looking up for you and that you are both successful and financially stable. Your life and lifestyle are likely admired and envied by those around you, especially those outside your normal circle of friends.

Dreaming of seeing or taking care of an ailing child is an ominous sign. It portends that one of your close relatives could die in the near future. One may want to make peace with anyone close who is presently ill or injured.

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  4. Sick children - Envisioning sick children is often a terrible omen to perceive as it predicts some issue popping up out of nowhere and destroying your domestic bliss. There would be many troubles and conflicts within... Learn More!
  5. Sick with gout - To dream that you are sick with gout, like during a daily workout when you suddenly feel a nagging and sharp pain in your inflamed joints and become unable to lift anything, could mean a possibility o... Learn More!
  6. A sick relative - To dream that your relative is sick, for example during a family holiday vacation when you see your relative feeling nauseous all of a sudden, could indicate an unexpected event or occurence coming to... Learn More!
  7. Sick grandmother - Dreaming of a sick grandmother or seeing your grandmother getting sick is a dire warning. You may soon be faced with difficulties that will be challenging to overcome. You should heed the advice of on... Learn More!
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  9. Sick with edema - To dream that you are sick with pulmonary edema, for example when you are coughing violently due to lung inflammation and have difficulty breathing, could be a sign that you are recovering from any ex... Learn More!
  10. Sick with croup - Dreaming that you are sick with croup, for instance when making a speech and suddenly experiencing hoarseness in your throat and words coming tumbling out barking like a dog, could be an encouraging s... Learn More!

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