Standing on top of a waterfall Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Standing on top of a waterfall explained:

Watching a waterfall or observing rapid waters flowing at a great speed warns of a frightening encounter. You might soon be faced with an unpleasant experience that might have a profound effect on you.

May symbolize feeling its time to let go or go with the flow.

Dreaming about seeing a mountain top speaks about having the best of what life has to offer. You would reach the height of your dreams out of sheer luck, by virtue of inheritance or as a result of your very own hard work. You could be in the top of your class, the boss of your company, the chairman of your civic organization, the owner of your business, or the main implementer of a project. This dream vision indicates that you actually like holding positions of power and assuming huge responsibilities.

Observing standing water in your dream, such as in a ditch or a pit, tells of being faced with unfavorable events. You might have to deal with scandals or unfortunate events in the future. It can also mean that you could have conflict either with people who are close to you or with someone you just met for the first time.

Envisioning a waterfall that you perceive as particularly small or unimpressive may reveal some points of dissatisfaction or annoyance with your current romantic partner. Things may not be progressing at the rate you would like, or maybe the two of you seem to be moving in opposite directions and growing apart. If you felt that you were standing below the fall or recognized the sensation of the water rushing over you, it is possible you are leaning towards breaking up with this individual and trying to move on. Soaking or wading in the waters that pool below the falls could predict a long, drawn-out conversation with this man or woman that would leave you feeling drained and unable to muster any motivation or desire to save the relationship.

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  2. A bare mountain top - Dreaming about seeing or standing on a bare mountain top and enjoying a 360-degree view of the surroundings is a warning sign of imminent failure and defeat. You are advised not to make any major deci... Learn More!
  3. Over the top ambitions - If you dream of having over the top ambitions on the job or in your personal life, be cautious not to act indecisive or extremely shy when the situation dictates a need for you to be straightforward a... Learn More!
  4. A sound of a waterfall - Hearing a sound like that of a waterfall but not actually being about to see or locate the source suggests danger is lurking around the corners of your life. You may be tiptoeing towards a serious sit... Learn More!
  5. A waterfall in general - Dreaming of a waterfall during the course of a dream vision, whether you can feel the splash of its water or are only observing it from a distance, means you are the type of person who can easily hand... Learn More!
  6. Bathing in a waterfall - Wading and bathing in the waters of a waterfall often reflects the dreamers' past and present ability to overcome the stereotypes and preconceived notions that have followed them throughout their live... Learn More!
  7. Standing by a coffin - Dreaming about standing by a coffin while being part of the funeral could represent positive vibes coming your way. It could signify triumphs and success in your achievements. It could also symbolize ... Learn More!
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  9. Standing on a cliff - Dreaming that you are standing on the edge of a cliff, with a dark and ominous sky overhead or jagged rocks below, means you could be delivering a speech or presentation to an important audience soon.... Learn More!
  10. Falling from a waterfall - Traveling down a fast current and plunging over the edge of a waterfall is a symbol that portends love in reality. In particular, this sign suggests you have fallen head over heals for someone from wa... Learn More!

Standing on top of a waterfall

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