Volcano Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Volcano explained:

Dreaming of a volcano represents your inability to deal with your feelings. If you see a volcanic eruption then you are experiencing anger towards a situation. Be careful how you release your feelings because you might do more hurt than anything. On the other hand, if the volcano is settled then so is your mind.

may represent your rage or anger that is building up and you are about to explode.

A volcano that erupts in the dream world is a highly ominous message often predicting major negative changes taking place in your existence. Specifically, this vision could be the harbinger of news about the loss of a job or a cut in salary. These events or actions would not only adversely affect your working situation, but your motivation and self-esteem as well. Meanwhile, the popped tires of the minivan reveal the consequences of the looming setbacks, such as subsequent stagnation in either your personal or professional journey, perhaps both.

Waiting for a bus in your dream alludes to hoping for an opening or an opportunity to realize your dreams. It could be related to searching for a partner or trying to get ahead in your chosen profession. The inability to get on the bus or reach your desired destination refers to real-world setbacks and disappointments. As a result, the volcano in your vision reflects your increasing frustration about the never-ending challenges and your possible personal stagnation. It is likely that you are close to reaching your limits and that an emotional outburst is just waiting to happen if you are unable to control your next steps.

This vision can be interpreted as a warning related to your job, school, or other important responsibilities. Experiencing the eruption of a volcano that is close enough to cause you harm suggests some major negative event may be looming in your future, such as losing your job or completely failing a project your were working on. This is also seen in the symbol of the missed train, which predicts you may already be aware that this terrible event is a possibility. Trying to collect valuables before fleeing represents your usual diligent and responsible behavior, but being killed by the flowing lava at the end seems to point toward some growing indifference toward the work you are currently involved with. If you do not find your motivation to continue working hard, though, you are very likely to lose everything you have gained so far.

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