swarm Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about swarm explained:

May symbolize teamwork or group synergy.

The image of a swarm of wasps coming towards you and enveloping you is actually a fairly positive symbol, despite the fact that it seems a bit scary. This symbol suggests your superiors or bosses are happy with your performance at work, particularly your ability to be on time and maintain high moral standards. While you may suspect or know of jealous rivals attempting to get in your way, it is likely you would not be hindered by their actions. You could receive a commendation, special recognition or a promotion.

Seeing a swarm of bees in your dream symbolizes being treated unfairly by someone else. You could meet someone who would treat you only as an object of his or her sexual desires. This person would not care about your feelings and welfare and might only be after the pleasure you could provide to him or her. Should you continue to be associated with this individual, you might become victimized by low self-esteem, humiliation and embarrassment. Be forewarned when you experience this dream for it is vital to your well-being. This dream could also refer to having a possible fire in your home or place of residence.

Seeing a swarm of butterflies in your dream is a positive sign. You will receive some good news from old friends who have already moved away. These are friends who were part of your inner circle before they relocated.

Seeing yourself and your dog become the target of a swarm of bees in your dream could be considered a warning. It symbolizes the fact that even the best-laid plans can come crumbling down with the tiniest of mistakes. If you are working on a project or a particular endeavor, you should be very careful and pay close to attention to even the most minuscule details, you might regret it otherwise.

Dreaming of butterflies covering your body and completely overwhelming you is surprisingly enough an auspicious sign. It represents good fortune for you in the near future. You may inherit wealth or receive a coveted promotion at work. This dream can also be interpreted as a sign of speedy recovery. If you or someone close to you suffers from an illness or affliction, it may soon be the time of receiving good and encouraging news.

Seeing a swarm of wasps in dreams often reveals the dreamer's admirable work ethic and integrity. Although it can also mean getting involved in a tricky situation at work or at home. You could be tasked to do something that is against your values and principles. In the context of your dream, the latter interpretation may be more appropriate since you ended up getting stung by a wasp. The symbol of getting stung by a wasp usually points to a parting of ways. Perhaps friends, colleagues or even family members are pressuring you to do something questionable and this could force you to stand your ground at the risk of gaining the ire of your loved ones.

Seeing a swarm of bees coming out of your mouth in your dream could symbolize sudden realization of being treated unfairly by someone else. You could be interacting with someone who treats you only as an object of his or her immediate gratification, either physically or emotionally. This person does not care about your feelings and welfare and may only be after the pleasure you provide to him or her. Should you continue to be associated with this individual, you might become victimized by low self-esteem, humiliation and embarrassment. With the notion of not being scared or bothered by this image, it can also be implied that you are not overly concerned with the treatment you get from this person.


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