Court Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about Court explained:

Why are you in court and do you feel guilty or innocent? Do you feel that you might have to stand trial with somebody you know in your life? If you are sent to prison than that means the future might be restrictive to you. Do you feel that you are being judged by yourself or other people?

may represent lobbying for a cause.

The appearance of a lawyer in court foreshadows the onslaught of occurring conflicts that will culminate into a serious dispute involving the material things you share with a roommate or neighbor.

May symbolize a guilty conscience.

May suggest feelings or attitudes about nutrition, nourishment or diet.

Playing basketball in the dream world often alludes to projects and events requiring teamwork. In the context of your dream, the use of balloons during the game probably suggests tension developing among inflated egos or stubborn members of the team. Headstrong individuals and clashing personalities could cause conflict which would contribute to the failure of certain projects or plans. Meanwhile, the king cobra represents innovative ideas and creative insights that could open opportunities for yourself and your peers in reality. Unfortunately, self-interest and attempts to take credit for certain ideas and efforts may serve only to sabotage a great opportunity for everyone involved.

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The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. Enemy wiping tables at a food court - Finding yourself in a food court in the dream means that you may be running out of avenues for expressing yourself. Perhaps you feel like no one understands what you are going through. This moment of ... Learn More!
  2. Being re-hired after court litigation - This dream vision could be a projection of your current concerns over the unfinished court case. You could be feeling like this process will never end, that you may have gotten too involved and that e... Learn More!
  3. Receiving a check from a court clerk - Being in a courtroom or courthouse without a specific reason can be interpreted as a sign that all your unhappiness and misfortune are about to be replaced with joy and good luck. In a sense, it repre... Learn More!
  4. Your home involved in court matters - Dreaming about your home being involved in a legal dispute, such as a court case over ownership with your husband or wife or a settlement with a large building company, is actually a positive sign pre... Learn More!
  5. Court litigation involving a house - Dreaming of being in the middle of a court litigation or proceedings involving a house, like a disagreement between you and your spouse, means your times of sadness are soon to be replaced with joy an... Learn More!
  6. Court litigation involving a building - Dreaming of being in the middle of a court litigation or proceedings involving a building, like a disagreement between you and your spouse, means the sadness and sorrow you may be experiencing now cou... Learn More!
  7. Getting into a fight and ending up in court - Eating fish in dreams pertains to receiving money acquired by legal means, good news or closing a deal. Your refusal to eat the fish indicates your resistance or defiance in regards to a pending decis... Learn More!


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