A dying friend Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about A dying friend explained:

As the saying goes friends are the siblings that we choose and sometimes we are closer with them than our actual family. If you dream of being happy with your friend and having a good time then you are comfortable with your friends and enjoy their company. If you dream that you have problems with your friend then you feel that the relationship is doing badly or that you have lost touch with them. Also dreaming of friends that you do not actually have signifies your not happy with the amount of friends you have right now, you want to feel accepted by others.When you dream that your friends are pressuring you to do something then you are uncomfortable with a situation. Peer pressure is the worst thing in society, those are friends you want to keep.If you dream about a friend betraying you then are not being honest with your emotions with yourself. You need to feel more comfortable with the person and get to know them better so they can be trust worthy in your books before you let them know all your business. If you dream about a particular person then you feel you need to be a bit closer with that person or your relationship with them has become very strong. If the relationship leads to intimacy then you feel attracted to a friend.

Envisioning the sudden, unexpected passing of your wife in a dream, even though it is expected to be symbolic of a tragedy, is actually interpreted with positive connotations. It predicts the opposite of what it was perceived as, namely that she would enjoy good health and have peace of mind. This means you can enjoy each other's love and company for a long time.

Dreaming about seeing a pig dying or in agony often is a symbol of unhappiness. You could soon go through a period filled with negative emotions and experiences such as sadness, despair, devastation and misery. This extremely negative situation could have its origins in some present circumstances. That is, your current situation could be about to have a negative and aggravating evolution.

Dreaming about a sickly dog that is missing an eye indicates you rely on others for help and advice but do not show appreciation or gratitude for their assistance. Your tendency to use people without reciprocating or thanking them properly could cause some friction to build up, meaning there is likely to be some conflict or disagreement between you and the people who may have helped you in the past. This could be directly related to the relative you saw in this vision or to your family in general.

A dream wherein you see your niece dying is indicative of upcoming changes in your life which could have a lasting impact on your present and future situation. Because it is your niece who dies, it could point towards her actions being the trigger for those alterations. Visiting a witch in order to prevent your niece's death represents your desire to stop her from taking any actions that could impact you. Also, the fact that your sister had a similar dream suggests that both of you disapprove of her behavior. While it is important to keep in mind that you cannot actually prevent your niece from doing something she is determined to do, you can do your best to be prepared for the coming upheavals which you might face.

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  2. A dying star - Dreaming about a dying star is an ominous symbol which portends the death of an important figure in your life. This influential personality could be a loved one, a mentor or even a celebrity you admir... Learn More!
  3. Old friend - Seeing an old friend from your past can mean a number of things depending on the situation and other symbols present in the vision. For example, old friends can symbolize past mistakes or old issues t... Learn More!
  4. Dying sister - Having a dream vision in which your sister from wake life is afflicted with a life-threatening illness or has been in a possibly fatal accident could serve as a forewarning of hard times ahead. This i... Learn More!
  5. Animals dying - Dreaming that you are witnessing wild animals dying is a symbol of your firm resolve to uphold what is right and reject evil outright. Forces would conspire to sway you in the direction of a corrupt, ... Learn More!
  6. Husband dying - Seeing your husband dying in your dreams is a negative sign. It represents disappointments and negativity caused by someone who is in your inner social circle.... Learn More!
  7. Dying in jail - Dying in a jail cell, whether it is at the hands of others or by your own doing, is in reality a fairly positive image to come across during the course of a dream vision. It predicts that whatever iss... Learn More!
  8. A dying raven - A dying raven, such as seeing one on the street after it has been shot down or injured, marks positive developments that are about to happen to you, especially when it comes to your social life. Perha... Learn More!
  9. Someone dying - Dreaming that you are witnessing someone dying right in front of you or by your side signifies a turning point in your life. You would soon receive pleasant news regarding your work, business or relat... Learn More!
  10. A dying friend - Seeing one of your close friends in the process of dying is an indication of his or her marriage and being less available to you because of some family obligations that they have to tackle.... Learn More!

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