A strange child Dream Meaning and Dream Interpretation

To dream about A strange child explained:

May represent someone or something you perceive to be unique, unusual or peculiar.

Dreaming of seeing or taking care of an ailing child is an ominous sign. It portends that one of your close relatives could die in the near future. One may want to make peace with anyone close who is presently ill or injured.

Seeing or encountering a crying child in a dream is a warning that you may want to rethink your current actions towards the things which are important to you. This sign portends that these actions or intentions could result in a dangerous or hazardous situation or outcome in your future. If you receive this sign, it may be prudent to delay impactful decisions until you take stock of your actions.

Encountering or being around a playful or mischieveous child in a dream symbolizes that others in your real life may have a serious or impersonal businesslike attitude towards you. It may be in your best interest to determine whether these attitudes are for the best or whether they cut you off from developing personal relationships.

Dreaming about waking up in a strange and unfamiliar room predicts a surprise visit. A friend or relative whom you have not seen in a very long time would appear on your doorstep all to your pleasant surprise. Your reunion would bring back happy memories and set unfulfilled plans in motion. By all indications, your fateful meeting would only be the beginning of something you would do together on a regular basis.

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The Following Dreams Seem To Be Related To Your Dream

  1. A sleeping child - The appearance of a sleeping child in a dream vision, perhaps one of your children or an unfamiliar child, represents a dim future for your hopes and dreams. Your plans are not going to pan out due to... Learn More!
  2. A pregnant child - A pregnant child in dreams typically refers to growth and development. On the one hand, you may feel like your granddaughter is growing up too fast for you to get the most out of her childhood. On th... Learn More!
  3. Feeding a child - Having a dream in which you feed a hungry child is a positive symbol. It represents a demanding project or activity which could take a large amount of time and effort to finish that would bring a grea... Learn More!
  4. A strange child - Seeing or encountering a strange and unfamiliar child in a dream represents that someone in your life may need your assistance but is unwilling or unable to ask. They could be in need of things such a... Learn More!
  5. An unhappy child - Dreaming of encountering or attempting to take care of an unhappy child is an indication that your current behavior could be affecting your reputation. Your current actions could cause others to exper... Learn More!
  6. Kissing a child - A dream in which you kiss a child should be considered a positive sign. This dream symbolizes that you could soon have a series of peaceful or serene intervals in your life. These periods could bring ... Learn More!
  7. A strange town - Living in a strange town in a dream predicts a slew of changes in wake life. It could be anything from changes in your hairstyle or fashion sense, your place of employment, your current romantic relat... Learn More!
  8. A beautiful child - Meeting a beautiful child within a dream is often interpreted as a positive sign associated with familial relationships. In particular, this dream carries the meaning that you are likely to feel great... Learn More!
  9. Punishing a child - Dreaming of yourself punishing a child symbolizes that you may currently be dissatisfied with your current work. This sign portends that you may be unfulfilled by or uncomfortable with the work that s... Learn More!
  10. A strange device - Dreaming about holding a strange device or apparatus and figuring out how it works portends an unwanted revelation. At this age, it would come as a complete shock to you to find out something about yo... Learn More!

A strange child

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